When it comes to truly getting away from it all on a summer’s day, putting on your docksiders and heading out to sea for a day of boating surely tops the list. What better way to experience summer than with the wind at your back and the sun on your face? Here’s your guide to activities on the water in mid-coast Maine.
“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” – Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows
The prospects for a day at sea are endless in our neck of the woods. Blessed with quaint harbors, freshwater lakes, tidal rivers, and dozens of offshore islands to explore, guests of Berry Manor Inn in Rockland looking for a maritime adventure simply have to decide what, where, when, and how. And that’s where we come in. We’ve scoured the landscape for four of the best ways to get out on the water when you visit us in Maine.

Sailing Takes Me From Where I’m Going
To experience Maine like a true mariner, book a day sail on Penobscot Bay with A Morning in Maine. Departing from Rockland Harbor, sail out into the bay past the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse and Owls’ Head Light. If you’re lucky you’ll pass an historic Maine schooner in full sail and likely see dozens of sea birds and harbor seals along the way. Morning sails tend to be calmer, as are the evening sunsets cruises. If you really want some excitement, sign up for the afternoon trip when the wind picks up for a chance to take the helm for an exhilarating adventure at sea.
If the kids are in tow, book an afternoon educational eco-tour aboard the Schooner Yacht Heron out of Rockport. With an environmental educator onboard, you’ll learn about the history of the harbor, shipbuilding, spot seals in their natural habitat, and hear the story of the infamous Andre the Seal.
Won’t You Let Me Take You on a Seal Cruise
Fact: 80% of Maine’s oysters are farmed in the Damariscotta River. So naturally, Damariscotta River Cruises created fun and exciting ways to get out on the river for a tour or tasting while enjoying the antics of balk eagles, ospreys, and harbor seals. Choose from their Oyster Farms and Seal Watching Cruise, the evening Oyster and Wine or Beer Tasting sail, or the Sunset Happy Hour trip. No matter which adventure you choose, the fun begins the minute you step onboard.
Fresh Catch
Lobster is to the coast of Maine, like barbeque is to the south. If you’ve never tasted it, you don’t know what you’re missing. But once you do, you just can’t get enough. So why not take the opportunity to see first hand how lobster is harvested and learn a little bit about the life of a lobster, and those who make a living out of catching them. Camden Harbor Tours offers Lighthouse Lobster Tours aboard the Lively Lady and a Morning Haul where you’ll see how to haul, bait, and re-set the traps.
Thar She Blows
Whale watching is an unforgettable activity to enjoy on the water in Maine. Whales are among the most magnificent creatures on earth. To watch them breaching, tail waving, or bubble feeding in their natural habitat is something you will not soon forget. These gentle, krill-eating giants are so graceful to watch, you’ll be mesmerized by their size and thrilled to spot them feeding alone or in pods. Joined by marine biologists, Cap’n Fish’s Whale Watch tour takes you out to view these beauties in action aboard modern seaworthy craft.
Start planning your next visit to enjoy activities on the water in Mid-Coast Maine. Our Rockland bed and breakfast is where ocean adventures await and memories are made.
“Cast off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
–H. Jackson Brown Jr., P.S. I Love You
Published: June 3, 2020